Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Web Site

Back in December I received an email from William Drew, author of several books on the silent era as well as two articles on WTSM.

Happily, he has created his own Web site, 100 Years of Hollywood and the Stars: 1910 to 2010, which seeks to celebrate the centenary of the year that he calls "remarkable:"

The birth of the movie star and the discovery of Hollywood in 1910 were two distinct but ultimately closely intertwined developments that radically changed film history. Much like the larger-than-life figures on the screen, Hollywood became a name of myth, no longer simply a district in Los Angeles but a word signifying a host of hopes and dreams, an alternative universe of images.

A lot of interesting articles are included, making the site well worth the visit.

Bill also alerted me to the wonderful Looking for Mabel Normand. The site was created by Marilyn Slater, who is an extensive researcher and archiver of all things Mabel Normand. Another site worth visiting.


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